Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Honey Is Useful for the Brain.

honey strengthening the immune system
Their efforts in the collection and processing of nectar the bees give us a truly wonderful product honey. Its antibacterial properties do not allow it to deteriorate. Contained vitamins and minerals, among which there is thiamine, ascorbic acid, niacin, riboflavin, sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, can charge us with energy for the day, as well as help our brain to cope with numerous tasks.

Several thousands of honey is used to treat various diseases. According to numerous studies, honey strengthening the immune system also helps reduce cholesterol levels, has a positive effect on the mental development of children. Honey is good for the heart, stomach and intestines, regulates the amount of sugar in the blood, helps improve skin condition and lose weight. And of course, honey mixed with lemon and hot water, is an excellent, well-known to us cold remedies.
What is the useful honey for the brain?


The human brain requires more than one fifth of the energy the body uses, coming quarter while breathing oxygen, and spends about a quarter of the sugar in the blood. If you are engaged in mental work, it is important that your blood sugar levels not experienced sharp fluctuations. This can be achieved by eating honey every day for breakfast and eating four to five times a day in small portions of foods high in carbohydrates.


Brain, along with carbohydrates, require more and mediators - the substances that are responsible for the processing of information. Mediator serotonin affects our mood, sensitivity to pain and learning. It is formed from tryptophan contained in honey. Since along with tryptophan contains honey and vitamin C, and unsaturated fatty acids, the formation of serotonin increases.


The level of iron in the body depends on the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain, the occipital lobe of both hemispheres and mental abilities. This important trace element activates the biologically active substances that are necessary for protein synthesis, and therefore indispensable for the brain. Iron deficiency can cause a deterioration of cognitive abilities and fluency.


Use of honey helps to compensate for the deficiency of choline. This proteinaceous compound regulates cholesterol and prevents the deposition of fat on the walls of blood vessels. Choline is required for the synthesis of acetylcholine - a mediator that acts on the area of the brain where localized short term memory. The brain's ability to absorb choline decreases with age, which will certainly lead to a reduction in the number and functioning of nerve cells, because of this, developing a sleep disorder, forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating.
It remains to add that honey is our natural antidepressant. The use of it in the mornings will help reduce the level of aggression, irritability and stress, as well as to cope with chronic fatigue. Spoon another honey for breakfast is capable to give you strength and improve mood.

Live sweet!