Thursday, June 5, 2014

How Parents Can Help in The Prevention of Childhood Obesity And Diabetes.

type 2 diabetes symptoms
According to the American Obesity Association, approximately 15.5 % of adolescents aged 12-19 years and 15.3 % of children aged 6-11 years are obese. Over the past few years the rate of obesity in the U.S. has grown dramatically. Many factors have contributed to this, including the reduction of physical activity, increased portion sizes, wrong choice of food and other factors. A survey conducted by the American Association for Obesity, also found that “30 % of parents in one way or another concerned about the weight of their children." Now is the time priedprinyat decisive action to help reduce or prevent further increase in obesity among children.

2. Diabetes was once known as "adult" because met, usually in adults. Now the growing rate of obesity among children puts them at increased risks of diabetes. With obesity and several others related diseases: apnea (cessation of breathing during sleep), high blood pressure, asthma, not to mention the psychological consequences of obesity for children. Parents can help their children be healthy.

Be an example for their children

You can have a huge impact on the child, even without knowing it. Parents should set an example to their children not only in terms of social values , but also in terms of health. It is doubtful that your kids will eat fruit if they see that you are constantly chew cakes or chips . Do not expect that kids will eat steamed vegetables, on your plate if they are not.

You must set a good example. This will help your child develop healthy eating habits in early childhood. (Even if the child is not ready to eat more healthy food, he, at least, will understand how important they are.) Be careful as to what you bring home from the supermarket. Do not buy chocolate or cream cakes, if your child can not resist the temptation to eat in one sitting a half- box. Teach your children moderation and not opposed to “bad" food "good”. Should always be a choice of healthy food, but the child should not be a shame if he sometimes abuse his favorite meal.

Remember that parents have a great influence on children's eating habits.

Whatever you do, do not force your child to eat what he does not want, even if you are so very much wants to. Negative experiences can generate unpleasant memories and cause even greater resistance to these foods in the future. Many children need a few attempts; they decided to try love or a specific product. Plays an important role, and how this food is prepared. Be patient and creative!

Plan breakfast the previous evening

If we do not plan breakfast, we most likely will miss him. Breakfast for children is especially important. It can prevent a drop in blood sugar levels, which increases appetite and can cause impulsive grabbing food during the day. Studies also show that children who eat breakfast show improved cognitive activity and memory in school than children who do not eat breakfast.

But for busy parents who need to escape the morning to work, planning breakfast the night before can be a way out. For example, leave on the kitchen table covered with a plate of dry flakes and next cup. Or put separately in the refrigerator yogurt and fruit. Thus, even if you are in a hurry to work, children can take care of me.

Of course, cereal with milk is much more useful than a bun with cheese, which contains up to 500 calories and 20 grams of fat, while the cereal - it is a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Be sure to choose whole grain cereal and let a variety of fruits. If you give your child juice, make sure that it was 100% juice and dilute it with a little water.

Secret add healthy ingredients in food

If your child resists healthy foods you can incorporate into his food healthy ingredients to increase its nutritional value. For example:

Add chopped vegetables to turkey burger or cutlets

Make cauliflower puree and add to mashed potato

Cooking cakes, replace the oil with apple sauce

Pizza, pancakes and biscuits, use wholegrain flour

Add skim milk to soups and puddings

Involve your child in cooking

Studies show that children who play an active role in the preparation of healthy food, then with great pleasure will eat it. Involve them in the preparation of ingredients to wash fruits and vegetables. Take the children with you to the supermarket and select them in the kitchen cabinet. Let every time they choose a new fruit or vegetable when visiting the supermarket with you. Turn it into the project in which they study the usefulness of a particular product for health, and then make a meal for the family, which includes these new vegetables or fruits. Consult with them about the menu. Attach a small refrigerator on board dyal notes that they were recorded on her suggestions. Involving children otnoshenyai allow you to strengthen them and learn more about what they like.

Be careful about what you give children to drink

If your child gets 500 calories a day from what he drinks (which is not that hard if every day to drink 700 -gram bottle of fruit syrup), you will see that he is gaining weight to 400 g each week! (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories, or 400 grams). If you want to give their children high-calorie drinks, watch the calories and include nutritional beverages such as orange juice or beverages containing calcium.

Reduce time spent watching television, increase active sessions

Almost half of all children (43%) watch television more than 2 hours per day and 25% of children - more than 4 hours a day. This means a lack of exercise and unconscious chewing, which leads to overconsumption of calories. Tear your kids away from the TV and make them move!

Physical activity is important for the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity, and is extremely effective for weight loss. Go for a walk with your child; play with him regularly in sports. Your goal - to provide an environment aimed at family health. The mere fact that you go out into the fresh air, support your health!