Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Chips: The Type of Drug Marijuana.

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Who among us occasionally, with pleasure, did not eat a bag of potato chips cherished, not a romantic one? You know what is bad, you know that fried potatoes carcinogenic know that the first thing he affects weight gain, one and all - having fun with each crunchy bite.

And not only potato chips, all this so-called junk food and chips - Bamboo - Beasley - nuts, oily inside bags. And you cannot afford to refuse. Tell about a tough day, a week, does not promise to have dinner then - all just to feel the language of this amazing forbidden muck.

Scientists decided to conduct research on this topic, or rather mass studies. First, they found that there is another flavor that we distinguish, - is the taste of fat. Second, different people have different taste react to this. Third, saturated fats food affects us as a drug, in the truest sense. “Endocannabinoid system in the gut controls dietary fat “So called Article scientists from the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Scientists investigated the effects of fatty foods and the reasons for its consumption. Scientists, as is characteristic of scientists conducted experiments on rats, dividing them into three groups. The first group received sugar, in the second and third - fats.

And that turned out - as soon as oily liquid gets into the language of the animal, his small intestine immediately start to secrete endocannabinoids. These are chemical substances secreted by smoking marijuana, known also that after marijuana want to eat, and that's why punches.
legalization of marijuana
The body needs fat, so that there is need - not less air is needed. Without the fat cells cannot function normally, reduced reproduction, thermos regulation, and so on. Do anorexic girls disappear monthly and very skinny girls harder to get pregnant, hormones -that are soluble in fat? So judge for yourself. That is why the body craves fat that is trying to "grab” as much as possible.

Eating fatty launched in job centers and satisfaction, so we now have two explanations for why you can become addicted to fatty foods. This is not just a whim and lack of willpower. It is an uphill struggle with the natural inclinations.