Women's Health

10 best foods for women

Here is a list of the best food for women, starting with the number 10.

10. Legumes

Legumes should be included in any diet - they are nutritious, cheap and low in fat. Half a cup of beans contains 5 grams of fiber - ¼ daily needs. This is not bad at all; especially if we remember that a diet rich in fiber helps prevent colon cancer. The facts show that every year from bowel cancer kills more women than breast cancer, so it's time to introduce beans in your diet.

9. Kale

We often forget to include in your diet kale, although it is a valuable source of foliate - an important vitamin for women of group B. Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy can cause defects in infant’s nerve neural tube. Women are advised to take 400 micrograms of foliate daily. Do not forget that kale is also an excellent source of vitamin C and calcium.

8. Beta -carotene

These orange pumpkin, sweet potatoes and zucchini - woman's best friend. Beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, is simply asking you to have felt its antioxidant magic. Eat these foods! It is believed that beta-carotene helps reduce the risk of breast cancer and helps to improve the condition of your skin.

7. Just flax
Flax seeds and flax seed oil are essential for women. First, a lot of flax omega -3 , which helps to protect the female body from heart disease (the main cause of premature death in women) and arthritis . In flax fiber of lignans have - especially important type of fiber for women. Lignans are considered simultaneously and antioxidants and phytoestrogens. Research is being conducted their role in cancer prevention. We recommend grinding grain flax and adding them every morning at breakfast. Grain flax are very fragile and grinding them yourself (in a coffee grinder), and you keep the fiber, and fats.

6. Iron

Women need to eat more iron-rich foods. It is best that it be food, rather than tablets, because iron from food is much easier to digest. Lean red meat and dark poultry, along with lentils, are an excellent source of iron.

5. Soybean

Soybeans are rich in phytoestrogens may help a woman significantly reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise levels of good (HDL). Tofu - excellent source of soy. It can be added instead of fat cheeses in dishes of spaghetti.

4. Water

Water - Nutrient and we need it very much. Water helps to get rid of fat. Water is perhaps the best tool in the fight against obesity. It suppresses the appetite and helps the body to process the accumulated fat.
3. Broccoli Strength
Broccoli - excellent source of calcium and contains other important nutrients - potassium and various B vitamins

2. Calcium

The recommended daily dose - 800 mg, but some experts believe that this is not enough and you need 1,200-1,500 mg per day. Taking into account the epidemic of osteoporosis among older women, it is recommended to increase the daily intake of calcium. I would recommend Yogurt. Besides calcium, it gives you good bacteria for a healthy bowel. Furthermore, yoghurt is better absorbed other dairy products.

1. Fish

Some women, who are concerned with their weight, had refused to salmon in favor of white fish or sea language. Now we are well aware of the value of the main omega-3 fats, so our attitude towards salmon must fundamentally change. In salmon and lots of protein, low cholesterol and have B vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium.