Healthy Food

Salads Healthy food.

Salad - one of the most popular dishes, both at home and in the restaurant. But if we stop to think why it is so useful and what nutrients it contains?

Here is a partial list of healthy ingredients lettuce.

Lettuce - excellent source of vitamin A (beta carotene), C and K. It is very important to our vision, strengthens the immune system and helps get rid of free radicals that cause cancer. It also contains zeaxanthin - an antioxidant that helps to delay the development of age-related vision problems.

Romaine lettuce:  An excellent source of dietary fiber. It is also considered a good source of folic acid - vitamin B complex, necessary to remove homo cysteine, which damages blood vessels and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins. But the main thing - is the presence in them of lycopene . This is a carotenoid , which not only gives tomatoes their fiery red color - it helps get rid of free radicals that cause various types of cancer , including prostate cancer and breast. Several studies have shown that lycopene makes our skin less susceptible to ultraviolet rays , which are the main cause of wrinkles.

Cucumbers, consisting of 95% water, refresh and moisturize. They are also an excellent source of vitamin K, and, according to some studies, can help reduce the inflammatory processes in the body.

In bell peppers are low in calories, but a lot of vitamin C, B6 , magnesium and antioxidants. Different colors are explained by the different stages of maturation. Therefore, the most useful is red peppers, in which two times more Vitamin C and almost 10 times as much vitamin A than in the green pepper.

Red onion
Red onion - one of the best sources of antioxidant Quentin . It helps in the fight against rhino-viruses - the main cause of colds. It also has antifungal, anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Red onions contain allicin, which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Grilled Chicken
Grilled chicken contains a lot of protein and low in fat and is a great addition to a salad. 225 grams of the meat yield of 70 % of the daily recommended protein standards. Furthermore, there are a lot of phosphorus, selenium, and vitamin B6.

If you are vegetarian or chicken you just do not like, try chickpeas (chickpeas). It has a lot of protein and fiber, and it will give you long lasting feeling of fullness. Studies have shown that regular use of chickpea helps reduce bad cholesterol LDL.

Add healthy fat
Olive oil contains healthy fats. It reduces levels of bad cholesterol LDL, lowers blood pressure and even helps improve mental performance. But do not forget that the sauces and salad dressings may contain unhealthy ingredients that would negate the benefits of olive oil.