Drink vegetables fresh juices and be healthy, is affordable source for vitamins.
1 Cucumber juice contains calcium and phosphorus, and is therefore beneficial for hair and nails. It is also particularly useful for people suffering from diseases of the teeth and gums. Cucumber juice improves memory, strengthens the heart and blood vessels and promotes healing of the skin. Cucumber juice is especially useful to use in the evening.
2 Beet juice is rich in iodine, and thus it helps to improve memory. In addition, it accelerates the digestion and reduces the level of cholesterol in blood. It is also useful to use for people who have a craving for alcohol consumption (drinking beet juice removes these cravings).
3 Carrot juice contains potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium. It promotes good vision, boosts immunity, and even successfully fights stress. It is useful to drink in the daytime and in the evening.
4 Tomato juice contains a lot of calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin A. It improves bowel. Furthermore, it has beneficial effects on the heart. Fresh tomato juice drink cans morning and daytime.
5 Celery juice is rich in calcium, phosphorus, sodium, vitamin B, vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin C. It removes toxins from the body and causes the body to tone. Despite the fact that celery juice increases the appetite, it is very useful for people suffering from excess weight.
6 Potato juice is used, as a rule, in the case of indigestion. Its anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect contributes to the rapid elimination of such disorders as heartburn. In addition, the potato juice is able to relieve headaches. It is recommended to use it only during the day, in combination with carrot juice.
Drink fresh juices and be healthy!