Yoga believes that the eye muscles can develop at any age, and improvement in vision occurs within six months after the start of classes. And they treated eyes with the sun and moon!
1 The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the eye, other than that they are able to improve blood circulation and kill germs. See the light of day preferably in the morning (within half an hour after sunrise) and before sunset.
* In no case did not look at the sun during the day, at this time the sun's rays are very harmful!
* Adopt a comfortable position and point your eyes in the sun. Eyes open and relax. Look up to as long as you do not have tears will flow. First, you can perform this exercise for 1-2 minutes, but eventually your eyes get used, and the exercise will increase to 10 minutes.
* People who have sore eyes, and those who are hard enough to look at the sun, you must first send your mind is not right on the solar disk, and the space around it, and then gradually stare at the sun itself.
* Perform this procedure every day and within a month your vision will improve dramatically!
2 Similarly, the exercise is carried out and the moon. The only difference is that you need to perform it once a week, but not daily, as an exercise to the sun.
3 is very useful, according to the ancient yogis, look at the stars and the mountain peaks, scenic landscapes. All this is a very positive effect on the health of our eyes.
4 For the prevention of eye diseases recommend yoga to perform the following exercises:
- Learn to relax. At the time of the voltage of the human psyche, the sharpness of his vision may be reduced;
- As little as possible, wear sunglasses. The sun can cause enormous damage to the eyes, only if the person is in the mountains. Eyes need sunlight as well as food. Those people who constantly wear sunglasses, hungry eyes, but because their health is deteriorating.
- During visual work is required to make minute breaks. At this time useful to direct his gaze out the window, get a massage eyelids and eyebrows.