Diet is very important to maintain a youthful, healthy skin for life.
Scientific studies have shown that a diet that includes a lot of products with a high hypoglycemic index can cause chronic inflammation in our body. Constant, even slight inflammation accelerates aging of your skin, so you need to minimize the amount of inflammation. To do this, always maintain a low blood sugar and insulin levels.
Here are my tips on how to eat right for optimal skin health (keep in mind that it requires a change in eating habits for life.)
Optimal useful products for the skin
• High-quality natural proteins in the diet: fish, meat, eggs. Allot of fresh vegetables. Moderate consumption of fresh fruit (do not overdo it with sweet tropical fruits) . All types of berries contain a lot of antioxidants and extremely beneficial for the skin. Fruits and vegetables are important source of antioxidants and the more varied palette of what you eat, the better.
• « good" fats, such as olive oil , nuts, avocados and fatty fish contain a lot of Omega 3 fatty acids , which reduce inflammation of the skin and body .
• If you want to pamper yourself a sweet , take 85% dark chocolate , in which a lot of antioxidants and low in sugar .
• Drink plenty of water and unsweetened green and white tea, which contain many poly-phenolic antioxidants.
Products, "unfriendly" to the skin, which should be avoided
• Avoid sweets and sugary foods, foods containing starch (starch - it is actually a form of preservation of sugar) and grain products, including bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, chips, crisps. Many starch and cereal products - baguette, rice noodles, baked potatoes - have a higher hypoglycemic index than pure table sugar (instead of mashed potatoes can be cooked cauliflower puree)
• Avoid all kinds of morning corn flakes. Many of them have a higher glycemic index than pure table sugar (imagine that you eat every morning cup of sugar - what are the implications for your skin)
• Avoid baking - pies, cakes and biscuits
• Avoid "bad" fats - Tran’s fats, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats, vegetable fats and margarine.
Finally, try to eat food in its natural form, and avoid processed foods, ready meals and eating noodles. Processed foods contain a larger number of substances that may contribute to the deterioration of many diseases.
If you eat as recommended here, your antioxidant status will be good and you will not need to take antioxidant supplements on a regular basis. However, I still recommend for daily intake of omega 3, some robotic and vitamin D (we often do not know that we have a lack of vitamin D).