Saturday, August 9, 2014

Three of the best over the counter treatments with garlic.

garlic benefits
Varicose veins
Needs garlic with white husk. Peel, chop and mix with butter (1 part garlic and 2 parts oil). Lubricate the protruding veins in the night. From above you can wrap the bandages. In the morning, wash the feet.
Such treatment of varicose veins garlic does not require much effort, but it has helped many to get rid of veins permanently.

Treatment of acne with garlic

Garlic tincture to cleanse the blood and as a result and clears the skin.

10 medium garlic cloves peeled and crushed to a pulp. All this mixed with 1 kg of honey. Take 1 tsp. Before meals W times a day.

100 g of crushed garlic pour 100 ml of water at room temperature. Cover tightly and leave for 5-6 hours, drain. Gargle for sore throat several times a day.

Garlic is well disinfects the throat, killing all germs, so this method of treatment of angina garlic has established itself as the most effective.