Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Curative Benefits of a Beat.

red beet
On the medicinal properties of red beet can talk endlessly. Beetroot is useful in diseases of the liver. Beets help to strengthen capillary walls. Substances contained in the roots, have a vasodilator, anti-sclerotic and soothing effect. They contribute to the isolation of excess fluid from the body and is necessary for proper operation of the heart. Beet recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Beet roots contain a lot of pectin, which thanks have good protective properties from the effects of radioactive and heavy metals, pectin also helps to eliminate cholesterol and delay the development of harmful bacteria in the gut.

Beetroot also has hematopoietic properties, due to its high content in the roots of iron and copper. Beet applied at varying degrees of anemia and conditions associated with decreased strength of blood vessel walls.

Useful beets with exhaustion and loss of strength after illness, it is recommended to drink fresh beet juice at least three times a day before meals.

Properties of boiled beets

Cooked beets, unlike many other vegetables, are able to maintain their main useful benefits, the fact that the vitamins and mineral salts are not very sensitive to heat. Minerals beet mainly alkaline nature, that in our mostly acidic diet - a considerable benefit. In the present beet group of biologically is active substances called betaines, it metilipovannye amino acid derivatives. One of these substances simply called a betaine; as beet Latin Beta, it is not difficult to guess where the name did and for the first time found a substance. Beet betaine promotes protein digestion and lower blood pressure, it inhibits atherosclerosis and most importantly - regulates fat metabolism, prevents obesity (especially fatty liver). In short - a substance useful in all respects; it is also present in the roots and leaves of beets by heating hardly collapses.