Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What's All the Same to Eat at Night.

* It is best to have dinner about 2 hours before bedtime, not to catch hungry. During this time, the body will have time to release the stomach by gravity and send everything eaten in the intestine.

* Sometimes it is enough to drink a glass of water or tea (green or chamomile), and hunger retreat. Even better at night to drink the infusion of rose hips, he will not give to develop appetite.

* If you are afraid to overeat at night, you can satisfy your appetite a handful of dried fruit or nuts, which must be slowly and chew slowly.

* Instead of dinner, you can eat fresh fruit, such as dividing by orange slices, cut into small pieces or banana or an apple.

* If you care about the figure, the best food for the night - rich proteins (low-calorie dairy products). It can be: warm milk, yogurt, Keir, yogurt or fermented baked milk, suitable for a late dinner and a light protein omelet.

* You can eat a light vegetable soup.

* Light meals of vegetables will also help satisfy your hunger: carrot salad with apple or beets with walnuts. Only refuel a salad oil or mayonnaise - pour it with lemon juice or yogurt.

* You can eat dinner at a small portion of lean meat (boiled or stewed), chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, salad greens and fresh vegetables.

* Do not hurt one or two bake potatoes (or cooked in their skins) that can stretch your warm milk with a spoon.

* If you like porridge, you can satisfy your hunger a little plate of oatmeal, which add a couple of spoonfuls of honey and flaxseed.

* Sandwich at night you can eat. Only it should consist of a piece of turkey meat and whole grain bread.

* From sweets recommended only honey that can sweeten milk or tea.

WARNING! Importantly, what not to do at night - it is to overeat.
- Refrain from eating at night fat and fried foods.
- Sophisticated dishes consisting of many ingredients are also undesirable.
- Refrain from acute and exciting dishes, as they kindle the appetite, and you will not notice as eat more than you wanted.
- It is better if a late dinner will be entirely without salt or with a minimum of salt. Otherwise secured fluid accumulation in body tissues and swelling in the morning.

* Aromatherapy against appetite. Inhale the scents of essential oils: peppermint, vanilla, cinnamon, patchouli, or oregano. Use these oils for oil burner, or hold a bottle of oil to each nostril in turn and inhale 3-4 times. Fruit flavors: strawberry, cherry, apple, orange, banana as well reduce the feeling of hunger.