Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Quit smoking and not gain weight.

How To Quit smoking
Approximately 70% of those who quit smoking, faced with the fact that the cock begins to show them a few pounds more than before. And it's not just a coincidence: due to the specific action of nicotine one pack of cigarettes "burns" about 200 calories. Therefore, smokers weigh an average of 2 - 4 kg less than their natural, so-called "natural" weight due to the constitution and the characteristics of the organism.

There is another reason for weight gain after parting with cigarette smoker. In the absence of the customary nicotine increases craving for sweets. And when you consider that without smoking our gustatory sensitivity returns to normal, then indulge in the study of this newly discovered gamma nuanced flavors becomes objectively difficult. And of course, former smokers begin to eat more than before, and even for the reason that by doing so they make food addiction disappearance of their lives according to the tobacco.

What to do? Time to start healthy habits to prevent harmful occupy the empty place without cigarettes. Especially that smokers have your special occasion to go to a healthy lifestyle: according to statistics, they consume calories, salt, cholesterol and more alcohol than non-smokers. And they have a permanent deficit of vitamin C, E, A, iron, fiber and polyunsaturated fats. It's time to fix it!

Change your eating habits

Declare a temporary moratorium on the purchase of chips, seeds, crackers, cookies, chocolate, chocolate bars and all the other "small" snacks, which would seem we do not eat, and "nibbling": they become significant culprits of weight gain. And besides, eat only at the table and never - before the TV and the computer or on the go.
Cook with spices, herbs and light sauces
So even the food that does not seem too seductive charm acquire. Green and dried herbs, mustard, horseradish and ginger, cloves and coriander, balsamic vinegar, fish sauce and even ketchup, only natural Behold the little regiment, which will save your army.

Do not give up nicotine "bogus"

Nicotine patches, electronic cigarettes, drugs with substances that facilitate smoking cessation, does not help everyone, but very many. This is nothing more than a trick, but who said that we are strong enough to cope with the temptation to own?

Eat slowly

Instead of hastily swallowing food, make it a rule to deal with it slowly, thoughtfully, consciously understood with pleasure. Hold your mouth every bite, chew carefully track your emotional reaction to a particular dish.

Do not allow yourself to hunger

To do this, take care to present in the daily diet of cereals, rice, beans, whole wheat pasta. These products do not give blood sugar to fall too quickly and thus cause hunger pangs. And also reduce cravings: they are therefore particularly relevant for breakfast or afternoon snack.

Control your appetite

For example, fresh fruit or vegetables with a drop of vegetable oil. Fruits satisfy cravings for sweets and vegetables will give a feeling of satiety, and those and others - with a minimum of calories. Choose unrefined oil with a rich taste and smell - sunflower, olive, sesame.

Fight with mood swings

Eliminate situations that cause cravings, almost impossible. However, enrichment of life new hobbies, walks, movies and books helps to cope with thoughts about nicotine, which inevitably arise in moments of idleness. Ideal solution would be a sport. And if the craving for a cigarette will overtake you during the workday, distract herself from her uncomplicated rituals - walking back and forth, a sip of water, a series of deep breaths or oriental elements - for example, the Wise.

Drink more water

Pulls a cigarette? Fill temptation few sips of water. Do not attempt to replace the water coffee or tea (as much caffeine the body is not needed). And do not even see the article