Saturday, June 7, 2014

Why Do Men Have to Monitor The Level of Fat.

scale that measures body fat
The old saying “men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” is quite applicable when it comes to healthy eating. So men do not let you destroy the fat - your diet requires major modifications.

Whereas women tend to worry about their weight and painstakingly studying food labels, men are not as concerned about these issues. Most men burn calories faster than women, and May therefore feel that they can have whatever they want without fear better. Men think that if the weight does not change, then you should not think about what to put in your mouth.

Men, please listen! Body weight it's only part of the picture of health. What percentage of your body fat, as it is located in the body, how well you eat - these factors affect your health and well being.
Can I look thin (lean), but have a high percentage of body fat?
Say, you do not really bother yourself playing sports, but your weight is kept within reasonable limits. Do not be deceived on this point - you can wear a too much fat. Excess fat is a common problem in men but it is most often located at the waist - which is much more dangerous to health than fat in the hips in women.

Therefore, the main task - to prevent the increase of weight, but it should be done correctly. Simply reducing the volume of food is only effective if your diet nutritional value higher than the average. Eating less, but incorrectly, you can reduce your calorie intake, but from your food will not be of better quality. Better take care of the nutritional value of each piece of food eaten by you, choosing healthy foods - fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains.

In addition, you should pay attention to the products that are useful for the heart. If the main part of the carbohydrates you get chips and sweet drinks, switch to cereals, beans, berries, plums, broccoli and carrots. These products are excellent sources of soluble fiber and helps control the blood cholesterol levels. Seafood low in fat and calories, but rich in heart-healthy omega- 3 should also be on your menu as often as possible.

Concern about the health should be your top priority

One of the main obstacles in this way lack of time. Perhaps you are so busy that it's easier to skip meals or capture a piece on the go. But a missed meal usually leads to unpleasant consequences: in the next meal you eat more than they need. And if you do not make time for exercise, then you will have more belly fat and will have problems with sleep. Then you reach for sugary foods and drinks to replenish energy fading, resulting in still gaining weight, and the cycle continues.

If you normally do not eat breakfast, set a goal - at least several times a week to start the morning with a wholesome meal. If you do not have time for breakfast, eat a jar of yogurt and some fruit, or prepare a protein shake of skim milk and fruit that you can take with you. If you have a habit of snacking on the go, a couple of times a week take home lunch box or cook homemade food once or twice a week. This will allow you to better control what you eat ... and how much.

At the last Try for two days to write down everything that you eat - it's the most effective way to analyze your eating habits. Very useful to actually see the missed meals, salty “snacks” or an acute shortage of fruits and vegetables, and - to take steps to remedy its supply.