Recipe: Strengthens the immune system With Ginger Tea and apples.
Strengthens the immune system, cooking recipe for fragrant
ginger tea with apples.
Ingredients for tea
So, for 4 large cups need 1 liter of water, a piece of
ginger about 3 inches long and 2 inches wide, 3 slices of lemon, lime slices 2,
1/4 medium apples, 1 stick of cinnamon and honey to taste.
How to prepare?
Small slices of lemon and lime cut into 4 pieces, ginger
root peel and just cut thin slices, apple peel and cut into small pieces.
Then cut all the ingredients to put in a large pot, add 1
cinnamon stick and pour hot water. Honey can be added either directly into the
carafe, or add yourself to each cup.